How can I measure my ring size at home?
However, when it comes to jewellery - and rings in particular - it’s not quite so simple. In this blog we look at how you can work out what ring size you are to make online ring shopping easy peasy.

Shopping online for clothes can be almost dangerously easy. You probably have a pretty good idea of what size you are and, in the event that you don’t, most retailers provide measurements or a handy sizing guide.
However, when it comes to jewellery - and rings in particular - it’s not quite so simple.
Well, even if you already own a bunch of beautiful silver and gold rings, we’re willing to bet that you probably don’t know what size they all are. In addition, you have 10 fingers (8 fingers and 2 thumbs!) on which you could potentially wear a ring, meaning that you have up to 10 different sizes to keep track of. Finally, as we’ve discussed in the past, your fingers can change shape and size quite dramatically over time due to a variety of factors and, consequently, a ring that fit you a couple of years ago may be far too big or small today.
Fear not, ring lovers - there is a solution.
In fact, the internet is awash with more DIY ring sizing techniques than you can shake a stick at. While these can be useful for getting a rough estimate of your ring size, they all suffer from some pretty major flaws that prevent you from getting a true, accurate measurement.
In this article we’re going to expose some of the problems with these methods and share what is, in our opinion, the undisputedly best way to measure your ring size at home.
Why would I need to know my ring size?
There are quite a few benefits of knowing your ring size (or the ring size of whoever is going to be receiving the ring).- Shop online with confidence
First and foremost, knowing your ring size removes all guesswork from the equation and enables you to shop for jewellery online with confidence. If you’ve correctly measured your finger, you can rest easy and avoid disappointment knowing there’s no risk of the ring being the wrong size upon arrival.
- More convenient
While we’re proud to offer a completely free ring resizing service for all newly purchased SilverStone Jewellery products, this process does a few days and can understandably be frustrating for customers who want to show off their new rings ASAP! In contrast, if you know your ring size from the get-go, there’ll be far less wait time between purchasing and getting the ring on your finger.
- Buying a ring as a gift
If you’re buying a ring as a gift, you want to make sure that the ring is actually going to fit the recipient’s finger (especially if it’s an engagement ring, wedding band or other significant piece). Yes, resizing the ring is always a possibility, but there’s no denying that it detracts from the moment of slipping the ring onto the finger of that special someone.
How can I measure my ring size?
A quick Google search will reveal a plethora of ways for you to measure your ring size - some more accurate than others. Let’s take a look at some of the most common.- String and a ruler
The concept for this one is simple. All you have to do is:
- Cut a piece of non-stretchy string to about 10 cm long.
- Wrap it around the part of the finger where you intend to wear the ring (probably the base of your finger). It should be close-fitting but not tight.
- Using a pen, mark the point on the string where it forms a circle.
- Measure the length from the end of the string to the mark you just made. This is the circumference of your ring size.
- Compare the circumference to the sizing guide below. The corresponding letter is your ring size.

This method will give you a rough estimate of your ring size, but it does suffer from a few major flaws. Firstly, no matter how careful you are during measuring, the fact remains that the string can always twist or stretch, resulting in an inaccurate measurement. Secondly, string is typically far thinner than the bands of most rings, meaning that you’re only getting a cross sectional measurement rather than a true ring size measurement. Thirdly, ensuring the string can fit over the knuckle while remaining reasonably tight on your finger can be a bit of a nightmare.
- Online sizing guide
This method involves comparing your ring to an online sizing guide that usually looks a little something like the chart below - which is not to scale but will give you an idea of how it works:

Each circle represents a different ring size. By holding a ring up to the screen and matching the inside edge of the ring to the circle nearest in size, you’re supposed to be able to identify the inside diameter of your ring size.
The key problem with this technique is that it relies on you first having a ring that fits correctly. If you suspect that the size of your fingers have changed recently due to say, weight change, arthritis or pregnancy, the size of the ring you want to buy may be bigger or smaller than the rings you currently possess.
Furthermore, you may be interested in purchasing a ring for a finger on which you’ve never before worn a ring (your pinky or thumb, for example). Consequently, you wouldn’t own a suitable ring to use as a measuring reference.
Finally, the size of the fingers on your left hand can be drastically difference to those on your right. Therefore, depending on what you’re shopping for, some of your existing rings may be unsuitable for sizing a ring intended to be worn on the other hand.
What is the best way to measure your ring size?
Here at SilverStone Jewellery, we know all too well the flaws with many of these DIY techniques, which is why we recommend making an appointment to come to our studio where we can measure your fingers accurately and give you advice on the type of ring that would be best be suited for your finger.Now there’s nothing stopping you from shopping for the ring of your dreams!