You can deal with us confidently knowing that we are a trusted member of The Jewellers and Watchmakers of New Zealand Inc and as such are bound by the following code of ethics for our business practices:
JWNZ Code of Ethics
1. Integrity
To uphold at all times the tradition and integrity of the jewellery industry, and conduct themselves and their business in such a manner that will reflect credit to the Association, their fellow members and the entire industry.
2. Highest Standards of Service
To deserve the patronage of the public by rendering service based on the highest standards, protecting the public from any form of faulty or inferior workmanship or design.
3. Public Interest
To advise the public at all times of their best interests. Under no circumstances will the member allow their name to be intentionally associated with misleading statements or advertisements.
4. Public Support
To value the support and confidence of the public as of paramount importance and not to act in any way which would detrimentally affect or lose this support and confidence.
5. Pricing
To clearly set out in writing the basis on which and the price at which any goods or services will be supplied, and to give a written copy to the customer before undertaking the sale or service.
6. Guarantees -
learn more about our full guarantee >>>
To remedy promptly and equitably any genuine cause for dissatisfaction, honoring to the fullest, all guarantees or undertakings given as to quality or service.
7. Quotations Valuations and Reports
Not to issue any quotation, valuation, report or opinion bearing the members name unless it is to the best of their knowledge and belief accurate, impartially made, and based on established practice.
8. Sales And Service Staff
To ensure that all sales and service staff understand and are competent to implement this code of Ethics.
9. Grievance & Arbitration
If any complaint is made to a JWNZ member the member:
(a) Will attempt to resolve the complaint through direct discussion with the customer.
(b) Will advise the customer of the arbitration process provided by the JWNZ will on request, co-operate by submitting any matter to the arbitration process: and will abide by the result of any such arbitration, without support.